Tommy Interviewed by Roanoke Times Regarding Rocky Mount Assistant Town Manager Still Being Paid Months After Resignation
Though Tommy does not represent any of the parties, the Roanoke Times reached out to Virginia Employment Law for his opinion regarding why a former Town Manager would still be paid by the Town of Rocky Mount five months after resigning from the position. As Tommy opined, “I have only ever seen an employer willing to pay an employee over a period time in excess of their actual term of employment when there is some sort of severance signed that is coupled with a release or waiver of liability. I’ve seen that happen many times, but it’s only in that context, and it doesn’t necessarily mean that there is any exposure of liability. It doesn’t even mean that the parties are on bad terms,” Strelka said. “It could just be, this is how we handle things routinely. It could just be, we’re going to be really conservative about our exposure to liability.” The article may be read HERE.